From the land of the rising sun comes Japans one-man act DARKCELL. Following multiple demos and an acclaimed debut album, DARKCELL unleashes their sophomore effort and Moribund debut “Nightmare Document Part 2”. Grim, psychotic Black Metal filled with ambient passages, extreme psychedelics, bizzaro breaks and a joyous depressive feeling, DARKCELL create bleak, claustrophobic Black Metal like no other. Let the DARKCELLs flow through your veins and document your nightmare !
* New highlight of the Japanese Black Metal scene!
* Highly anticipated second DARKCELL full-length studio album!
* CD features 3 exclusive bonus tracks !
* Cover art Mr. Tight Rope.
* Bizzaro Black Metal sure to blow the mind of all extreme metal heads!
* Mandatory for fans of Sigh, Xasthur, Darkspace, Leviathan, Moon and Arkha Sva.
(taken from Moribund)